Sunday, April 29, 2012

Another Source (Less Detailed)

This idea also relates to our topic of terraforming Mars. This deals with the biological part of our project. This idea is good only on describing what is needed to terraform Mars. It explains the steps that we have to do as a group to make it work. It doesn't talk specifically about any biological factors. There is a lot of detail that still needs to be talked about. For example some of the facts that earth can compare to Mars. It needs a little bit more of biological detail and environmental factors.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mars Converting into Earth

It's amazing how we can be able to generate stations of carbon dioxide in Mars. Mars has important features that are similar to planet earth. For example, an important element that Mars contains is water. With water we can do many things.We can have oxygen and we can have an atmosphere in which we can live in. We will be able to have water as our first element of survival. As time passes by we may  start creating habitats and other living environments such as forests. Having green areas will help put even more on delivering oxygen to us humans. Water will be expanding and lakes will be forming. These are key factors that will start developing living conditions to live on. Soon, Mars will be transforming into a second earth. It will have a similar biosphere.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

In order to live on Mars we have to have ecosystem that will allow us to survive. Ecosystems such as temperate grasslands, tundras, rain forests, forests, deserts, lakes, swamps, rivers, and estuararies. These are some of the main ecosystems that are needed in order for human life to be supported. Another important aspect that needs to be taken into consideration is that 'solar energy has to be converted into biomass energy. Photosynthesis also has to take place so that plant life in Mars will continue to do their process of respiration. These are some important features that have to do with the biological side of the our group.